Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Escape escaped AZ and is not in TX

Well, it has been a couple of days. Mindy got up early on Monday morning and drove me to the Austin airport. Flew to Phoenix and Pam and Carl picked me up. We visited Brian and Christie at their home with Sadie, she is a cutie. We then went to Goodyear AZ and picked up the Escape. So after a couple of days on the road retracing the trip in the motor home I am back in Austin. HOME! Did I say I have a great daughter and Son-In-Law? They are great. We have totally taken over their time. Lizzie is not picking up on Rillie's attempts to play. We have been out looking at homes. There is some great potential here for homes. I think I am going to like Texas. There is such a sense of community in Texas.
Today's drive was interesting. There were places I saw while driving the RV that I wanted to stop and take some pictures. Well today I was socked in with fog so, I shot pictures through the windshield while driving down the highway. I don't expect to have any great shots but some may have potential. Pictures to follow. Maybe tomorrow.
We thought we might see American Idol tonight, but guess what? We are in central time zone. So we turned on the tv and saw the last 10 minutes. Woops!

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