Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I FORGOT! Actually my wifi was down this weekend.

Well we have been doing the grandparent thing. At least I think we have. Really don't have any grandparents to compare with. Oh well we will figure it out. Cameron finally came home. He was a day late as he was jaundice. He got the spa treatment. Laying under the lights. He went to the doctor today and his count was up again. He will have to do another test tomorrow morning. Cameron's great grandpa Graves passed away so his grandma Jane is going to head back to LA tomorrow.
On the personal front, we finally have a pickup date for our van which ended up at Collin's shop. Seems that sending an auto across country on a truck is not as easy as I was led to believe when I first started the process.
We called the cobra company to see what happened to our application for coverage but they aren't talking yet. They say it takes 2-3 weeks. Seems kind of yuk you loose your first month's payment for them to do the paper work. Wow, what a scam.
It's time to start working on taxes. I took a quick look at it this morning but put it away. It was time to go check on the kids and see how Cameron's night was. It seems he was not so sleepy last night. He may have day and night reversed.
Oh yea, we had very small sized hail and some snow and some rain. All were trace amounts. Am I in Texas? Really????

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