Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ok I'll catch up.

Grandma Graves needed to head back to CA so we made a trip to the Austin Airport. After 3 short trips to the airport, I think I can find it now. So you can come visit us and we can find you at the airport. We are staying with Mike and Mindy again so we can help with our grandson. It is a lot of work taking care of a little one at this stage. He knows the ropes at this point and he pulls them well. It didn't take grandpa long to remember how to change diapers. I have been getting up and taking care of him in the early morning.
They say babys don't smile at this stage. He may not smile unless he has gas but I think he is laughing at me on the inside as I struggle to get hands and feet away from the mess and clean it all up. I find he tends to get impatient with my slow process so by the time I start putting feet back in his cloths he is starting to get irritated. But once things are closed up he calms right down. Then we have Grandson and Grandpa talks. I asked him a couple of days what he wanted to be when he grew up? He gave me the silent treatment. I have grown to expect that when I am talking. Seems he goes to sleep when we are having these chats. I wonder if he is trying to tell me something???? Oh well. They are great talks and he will reflect back on them one day, I am sure.

So that has been our past couple of daysj, other than trying to keep up with news from around the globe. It is great having friends even if they aren't close to us physically any more! I know, Who's fault is that! Not mine! NOTTTT.

I hate it when that happens!!

1 comment:

  1. I know about those "talks" too. And Sadie gives me the same silent treatment. Sometimes she looks at me like she's saying, "What are you talking about?" Then she will ignore me and go off into her own little world. Sheesh! Kids!
