Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Cameron and mom and dad are doing well Austin made news big time!

Well, a new day and being a grandpa just gets better. I was rocking my grandson and observed him focused on something on the wall and he followed it with his eyes while we were rocking. Yep, another milestone. What a guy. I have moved back into the motor home as he is sleeping and doing well with his circumcision healing. So grandpa and grandma needed to back off and allow mom and dad to adjust to their new life with grandparents that live in the area not in the house.
On the local front I'm sure you heard about the nut case who flew his plane into the irs offices in
Austin. His plane was parked just a few miles from where we have our rv parked. Also I heard that the plane is registered in California and that when he was there, he was flying out of Lincoln. The airport that was directly in the flight path where we flew our powered parachutes.
Small world!
Linda and I drove out to Georgetown Texas this afternoon just to look around. It is a nice area. We really liked it. It had some of the old Roseville flair as far with respect to old roseville look and feel. No rail road yard though. I kind of miss the trains. On our trip to Texas we were constantly next to rail tracks and trains. Once we got to Texas we have a track going through the area but seldom is thre a train. We heard one a couple of nights ago. Felt good!
Ya know there are some things we have to deal with no matter what or where we are. Taxes. I have been working on tax paper work. I hope to put it in and envelope and ship it off to get the paperwork done tomorrow. It will be nice to get this behind me.
Oh yea, I ended up making another call to the cobra people. i swear they seem to me like they try to find anyway possible to cause you to loose coverage. Finally they cashed the check for our first months premimum. It would not have happened, I am sure, had I not made another call to them. So Feb will be over soon and we have had no access to medical. You just got to love it!

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