Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday already here and gone

Well we find that Linda's first weekend being un-employeed is almost over. We have had a busy weekend. We got to have a great time with Karen down in Galt. We ate at this awesome restaurant called Squeeze Inn (sp?). Great food. Looooootssssssss of cheese great taste. Then we went to see the house she is purchasing. What a lovely home. Our prayer is that the bank will some how get off their duffs and get the process rolling down the road.
We got some running done to pick up wires to enable me to connect our RV TV as HiDef instead of using the coax.

So Sunday got here and we got to sleep in. It has been awhile but it felt great. I then got up and started working on the TV and finally got it off the wall. I found a way to connect the wires up and get it back on the wall. So finally we have Hi Def TV both via air antenna and via our dish and especially via the dvd player. It looks awesome. Wow our RV home feels like a Rudd home now. Oh yea, a few more trips to the stores like FRY's etc. Now I have stuff to take back. What a plan! Then we went to dinner with Dave and Teresa. It was fun chatting about what has been happening.
We left Lizzie in the RV while having dinner. She was not happy. She spent her evening ripping out the screen in the lower part of the rv door. Guess what gets added to tomorrow's list of things to do! NO it is not to get rid of Lizzie! I will replace the screen and then put a blockaid in the lower screen to show her who is the boss! Ha Ha!

I finally created a list of things to be done when we are ready to hit the road. Was I surprised when I got finished. There are 20 items on the list. Wow what a lot to do before pulling away from the RV park. So we are ready to start our week with both of us in the RV all day. Glad I got a list of things that we have to go do tomorrow. That will probably kill off most of the day.
So pray for the weather in the south and east to return to normal. Aren't we supposed to be having a global warming deal now! What I see in the weather forcast show little warming!
So I will soon lay me down to sleep so I can get my day started nice and early!

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