Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Something about time and future. Good song stuff

Time keeps slipping into the future. As it does things change. Go figure.

I know it has been a few days since my last update. I need to figure out how to work this blog stuff better. I guess using it daily would probably help that a bit.

Anyway, here we go. As my time in Texas grows to a close, I have been looking at houses on Zillow and driving around the area as we are now much more comfortable with where we are.

As I have done this I find more and more houses sold and more and more on the market and they are selling in some cases days. The price on the houses was a little more than I had expected but then Texas real estate had held it's own compared to the rest of the country and especially CA. I have been watching and it still is slipping down in CA. Anyway given the pick up in sales I decided to get a little more serious about buying a home here now instead of waiting to come back next winter. We found several new home tracts building in the area and decided to take a look. We did this just after arriving here back in January before our grandson arrived. Well as it turns out, we ended up back at a home builder we visited in Jan and decided we liked their home layout and price etc. So we are doing the paper work and let's see if we can buy a house now that we are retired. It will present some interesting challanges to us and the bank I am sure. So pray for our purchase would be appreciated.

As you can see brick is the word for this house.

Now as for the real reason we are here, we have been enjoying Cameron as he grows and he is growing. 6 weeks old already. What a hoot.

I still don't have any pictures of the area. My camera eye has been really distracted with stuff going on. I am finally starting to spot things that I think have potential for pictures. But catching lightning in the middle of the night through a window that is sweating due to the temp difference between the rv and outdoors is just not something I am up to challenging at this point. We had a duzy of a storm night before this, some of the thunder concusions were enough to actually shock the RV. Of coarse the 50 mph wind gust were already doing a nice job of it. The wind lasted all day yesterday and into the night last night. I really need to get some jack stands for this RV. It was like being on a ship in a huge storm.
So my friend Dave is coming to Texas Monday. He will be working in the area and we will be able to spend a few days together this week. That will be great. I have been missing friends. Dave and I did a lot of photography work together. Lots of trips around northern CA to get shots. Most of my pictures I like were taken with Dave at my side or was at Dave's side. Guess it doesn't really matter. Point is we get to do it again.
As for leaving Texas, we are trying to make plans but the purchase of the house may slow our departure and will probably mean we will be coming back for a quick visit to take care of business. Thing that will be an interesting project once we get the house purchased will be getting furniture into it. A couple of pieces on the pod in Johnson City will need to be moved to Texas I am sure. However that doesn't do much to fill a 1600 sq ft house. So we are going to have to get creative. I have been putting together a budget with prelim numbers and it scares me for sure. I think sleeping on the floor may be a thing in Texas until we get some months under our belt. Think I can get Social Security rates increased to help with my need to furnish a house? I already know the answer, "don't let the door hit you in the behind on the way out", and then they will probably put some detective on us to detgermine if we are sane!
That is what is happening in our world. Please drop me an email from time to time. You see what I am up to but I don't hear much from many people since leaving CA. My friend Steve has called a few times and that has really lifted my spirits to hear a familiar voice on the line.

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