Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wow it has been awhile again! I am sorry!

Well, we did it. We closed on our house purchase in Texas. Hay, for the first time since mid December, we are close to having a place to sleep that doesn't have the bed, bath, living and tv area all in the kitchenj! We have been preparing to make purchases but could not do much until we were sure we would have a place to put the items purchased. Can you imagine all that stuff being stacked outside our rv! So anyway we now have a lot of space and nothing at all to put in it.
We don't even have toilet paper for the bathrooms. I intend to remedy that problem as well as many more over the next days and weeks.

We have made another decision that we need to let you all know and that is to delay a little longer our departure from Texas to head east. Mindy is going to have to go back to work soon and Mike doesn't get off for the summer until after the first week of June so we are going to take care of Cameron for a few weeks. That kid has already spoiled grandma and grandpa.

We will use the time to establish our home here in Texas prior to heading east. So we will delay our visits of friends and family a little longer. I am sure all will understand. I HOPE!

I am sure our president will take note of my efforts to expand the economy and redistribute the wealth. Aren't we good? Will this help my taxes next year?

Monday, April 12, 2010

The long lost blogger returns

Ya know, time flys when you are having fun. I have been having fun, so time is flying. EXCEPT working with banks. Anyway the bank called today and said all is well and we can go forward with our house purchase. Now we wait on the builder. They are supposed to be setting up a walk through but they haven't worked on my lists' of things. I just fired off an email to see if I can get things moving sooner. I would love to get taxes done and the home purchase done and actualy put my fate back into our hands insteading of waiting on others.
Like I am not enjoying my grandson and being around Mindy and Mike. Ha, I am liking it for sure. Mike's family is in town so we got to see his parents a couple of nights ago. Always nice to see them. Great family.
I will have to work on more pictures. I may even clean up this blog and make it more readable, with more pictures. Until then you are stuck with my boaring ramblings.
Ya know we did have a refrigerator problem this week. I woke up early in the morning and saw a check light. I went back to sleep but then spent a big part of the day looking for the problem. I knew we were out of gas and could not figure out why as I had not used any gas for some time. Well the check light ended up being an indication that the gas process is not working, i.e., out of gas. It was supposed to be running on electric all this time. I opened the back of the unit outside and found a plug hanging on the wall with no wire plugged into it. I follows a wire I finally found up behind the tubing and there was a plug. I plugged in the unit and then powered it off and on and I have not had another check light. So problem solved. I will have to get gas though when I pull out of this park. First order of business will be to go pickup some propane. Interesting how some mystries are solved. thanks to all my Face Book friends who shared concerning rv'ing and the little things that make it so fun.
Hay life is an adventure.
New things to come as soon as we figure out what we are up to. Tomorrow is another day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Well days seem to fly by. I can't figure where they go.

We just seem to wake up and find days have gone by. Here it is Thursday and last I knew we were looking forward to Monday and having the house inspected. That did happen. And the pictgure of Cameron happened. I'm lovin it.

We continue to work on getting things done for the house purchase. I meet with a guy to get estimates for window blinds. That will Occupy my Friday. For some reason one thing happens a day and I find the day gone. I guess when you don't have to be accountable for your time there is no accounting for it disappearing. Maybe if we didn't have to account for time at work it would go faster?

So we are in the Leander KOA for another month. April is here already!

Have a great April fools day. DON'T GET FOOLED!