Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Time is flying. Can't imagine why.

Lots are happening. Not very exciting though. We have company coming to visit the end of April, Amy from EMF has a meeting in TX so she is spending a weekend with us. We are excited about the visit to come. We will be taking her up to the Dallas area for her meeting and we will proceed from there on to Bristol for the summer. So our migration is about to start. One big problem with our life style is dealing with mail. When we headed out of CA we did not have an address to get mail delivered to. Mindy said we could use their address. I did a change of address to her address and for the past year she has been receiving mail for us. I know it has to get old. One year has passed and she still is getting our mail and now we have two other addresses where mail can arrive. It is hard to get it when you are not there. We paid a large amount of money to the USPS to forward our mail once a week to Mindy for 6 months as we did not have an address in Bristol to send it to. Anyway we have finally signed up for a mail forwarding service for full time rv'ers. It is a sweet solution that is about half the cost of USPS. Having an address to get mail and have it forwarded to us is only the tip of the iceberg when dealing with the problem. We have mail coming to 3 addresses that needs to go to one address. This requires an address change take place. So I set out to tackle this problem. So far I have spent days on this and am about 2/3rds the way done as best I can tell. Identifying all the mail and potential mail we get and then finding out what is required to change the address and getting it done is quite the chore. Most are now changable thru the internet. However to do this you have to have an account on the internet for each entity. So I have been taking care of business and having to keep track of every where I have been so I can do it again should the need exist. I think I could write a book on the subject of changing addresses. My list got so long of addresses to change that I ended up sub dividing the list to make it more managable. I ended up with 3 priorities for getting the address changed. P1 had all currently active accounts/subscriptions etc and TX specific items. P2 was TN specific items. I figure I could change these later as we are headed there soon so we can access the mail box. Note our friend Ken has been taking care of our mail box there. P3 is items that we still get mail from but are no longer active entities, like AARP, Good Neighbor Sam, etc. We have not renewed our relatonships with these folks but continue to receive mail monthly from them trying to get us to renew. AARP has been doing this for over a year now. You would think they would get a clue, especially since I sent them a note saying I disagree with their position on health care coverage and would not be renewing. I think they have spent more in postage then it cost to join. I guess they would have been better off just renewing our membership for free. NOTE to AARP, read your return mail. I really don't know what to do about this category as changing the address may make them think I am interested in getting their mail. Sorry Mindy I think those items may keep hitting your box for awhile longer. Just pitch it. After several days, I have one more p1 item to get changed and I even have a few P2 items done. I am tired of this project but it must be done, so I press on but the pase is slowing as the more challenging ones are facing me. I feel procrastination pressing in all around me, I must resist. We had a water leak in TX in the kitchen. The drain pipe in the kitchen sink popped apart and I was running the dish washer. Most of the water actually got down the drain but enough didn't so the cabinet constructed of particle board got a bit mushy. The cabinet was ordered but never got to the house. It finally arrived and today we are getting our new cabinet put in. Finally! Cam comes over today so this will present a challenge as he likes to go to the kitchen and climb into the cabinets that are empty. Yes empty. We have empty cabinets that are a fertle play ground for Cam. So today I must get creative and block the kitchen. I just love a challenge. So it is about time for me to wake up and get busy preparing for our Cam visit. I have this part almost down pat. Raise window shades so Cam doesn't pull on them. Block off the pantry area where Cam could get into stuff we don't want him to, like Lizzie's food and water, not to mention our trash can. Sweep the floors to make sure there is nothing for him to stuff into his mouth. Close off rooms that are not child proof. Like grandma and grandpa's bedroom. Too many old people pills in that room. We love Cam's visits, he is so much fun. I really enjoy nap time as well. Cam naps and grandpa naps. Naps are good. I have rambled enough for having nothing going on. I hope to be more interesting in the next post.

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