Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Longer between post. How can it BE.

Hay, now that everyone has given up I can post here and no one will know.
We are back in Texas. It was a smooth trip. Since we had a lot of stuff from the Pod that needed to get to Texas, I had to rent a trailer and tow it back with the RV. This meant that the Ford got a break in not having to be towed, but Linda had to take on a long drive. It took us 3 days to make the journey. Wellllll, not really. We left in the late afternoon on a Thursday, like 3PM. We got to Nashville and kicked back in a road side rest area. I pulled between a bunch of semi's. I left the parking lights on so a semi would see us between the trucks. It was a dark night. Unfortunately I did one other thing that I did not think about. I left the key in the ignition. Most vehicles this is not an issue. In the RV when the key enters the ignition there are a number of things that take place. Anyway by morning the lights were dim. Dim enough to keep the engine from starting. I started the generator so it could start charging the battery. I don't have jumper cables. Evidently they departed my company in the move, like so many things have. Anyway we ended up calling AAA and waiting for a jump. By the time he got there we had been charging for a couple of hours. I was just about to try to start the engine when AAA arrived. He used a little hand held battery to jump us and it worked. So we didn't get on the road until about 8AM. We traveled thru the rest of TN and into AR. Most of the day was spent there. Along the way, a log hauling semi that was empty entered the freeway at a high rate of speed, whiped into the lane in front of me and was dumping all knids of wood chips. They were bouncing all over the road and off the RV. Along the way, the truck kicked up a rock that smacked the windshield. Yep, left a small crack.
We wrapped up the day in Texarcana, TX. We found a KOA campground and checked in for the night. Texarcana is being rebuilt all around Interstate 30 so we had to find our way to the campground, not and easy thing. We spent the night which was great after a night in the Road side rest area.
All refreshed, we headed out about 9AM and made our way to Austin. I immediately started unloading the trailer. First thing was I found a small dead mouse under the trailer door. I wondered what that cat in TN was doing diging at the door of the trailer before we left. I thought it was about the mouse that I found in the trailer after I had loaded it. I suspected the cat had put it there. It didn't take long to unload, but back in the trailer I found several little mice, all dead. I was getting suspicious. The couch we brought to TX had been in the garage for several months. I checked it over before putting it in the trailer and didn't see anything. So I got rid of the mice. I tried to get rid of the trailer but it was just after closing at the drop location. UHaul said they had a night drop. How d0 you night drop a trailer and know it won't be ripped off? So I held on to it. Next day we had some shopping to do, so we went to Sams Club and got several large items since I had the trailer. We went to load the stuff and guess what I found in the trailer when I opened the door? Yep! We loaded everything took it home.
Anyway that was our trip. It was great seeing the kids and Cameron had grown so much. he was a kick. We have had time to take care of Cameron a few days. He is a lot more work these days but such a joy. He is such a happy boy. NO BIAS applied, he is the best grandson ever.

We have been working on making our house a home and are really close to being there. We finally have internet which really makes us feel in touch. Unfortunately there are no network wires in the house so I am working on plans to install wiring in the house. I will soon be in the attic drilling holes and running wires. So many pieces of equipment need access to the network, TV, Blue Ray, Sat Ctlr, etc. Family room, bedroom, etc. Just don't understand why they don't do that while building. So much easier at that time.

One thing got lost in the move from TN to TX, my camera. I could not believe I would forget that. I brought the tripod, monopod, even the caring case for the tripod. I could not use the tripod or monopod as the heads were in the camera case. I looked all over and the camera was not here. I went to the storage lot and checked the RV twice. I finally looked at the security video at TN and could not see the camera sitting where I normally put it. I finally figured I had left it in the van in TN, that was the only place it could be. I remembered seeing it there just after Dave Smith's visit to TN. I also remembered thinking I need to remember to get this out of the car before we head out. I figured I had left it there. Ken picked up the mail in TN and gave a call while taking it to the house. After dealing with mail, I asked Ken to check the van. To my surprise it wasn't there. He then checked the rest of the house and no camera. It was fun watching him look for it as I connected to the security system. I finally bought a new camera as I had kind of planned on doing that anyway, but I was not happy at the loss. I finally went back to the rv and checked again. I found the camera. It had slipped behind a chair and it was so dark I could not see it there. I didn't see it even this time when I checked. I finally stuck my hand back there and there it was. Black case in the shadows! Still I am happy to have found it.

Well here we are. I have been off work since Oct 9th last year, so one year already. As of the week of Christmas we will have been out of our home in CA for a year. That will be soon. Then early Jan, 2011 Linda will have been off work for a year. Then Jan 20th or there abouts we will have been out of CA for a year. WOW! lot's of anniversaries for us.

The sad part is we miss all our friends we haven't seen for a year. We pray you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We do have guest rooms in TX and TN. They have comfortable new beds. We would love to have you visit.

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