Field of Wild Flowers

Field of Wild Flowers
I was told of this field. The flowers were drying up by the time I got there. Thy were plentiful but much smaller than last years flowers. Drought?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Yep another week has passed.

Well we have had a busy time. Lots going on. We made major progress on the house. The place is finally relatively un-cluttered. We have pictures on some of the walls, we have the place organized so it can be lived in. The guest room is ready and already used once. My mom and dad arrived from Florida and spent the night on the way to Cincinnati. It was a stressful trip for them but they arrived ok and we were able to go to dinner and spend an evening together. We had breakfast the next morning and then they headed to Cincinnati. This trip for them went much smoother which was great.

We continued to work on the house and today Linda got the den organized and almost totally cleaned up. I continued to work on wiring for the computers and was able to get a good rough system working. The Dish network controller and our Sony blue ray player are connected to the net now which enables us to keep our video options open. We signed up for netflix and watched a movie this evening over the internet. The wiring is kind of convoluted but works well at this point. Lots of wire splits but hay it works.

Our magic jack is working but not well as it is on a wireless computer. I hope to get it running better shortly. Just have to figure out more wiring.

Well, company is coming so back to work. Busy weekend with LouAnn Lee in town doing a concert at our church. She is recording in Nashville this week. It will be good to see her again.

Later, Mr Ed.

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